How to go to Church

1. Be on time(in church or online for sermons). Arriving late communicates this is not important. ( – everyday especially on sundays(Sermons posted by 1:30pm)

2. Bring your Bible. How do we expect to grow without a copy of God’s Word for us to examine as the preacher preaches the Bible.

3. Dress up if you can. Church is the one of the most important places we go all week and our dress should reflect that sentiment, but come as you are. Online churches are becoming more popular as well (

4. Bring  your whole family. If you have family living with you, do all you can to bring them with you to church. They will benefit from it just as much as you do.

5. Shake your pastor’s hand. Do not wait for him to seek you out. Go out of your way to shake your pastor’s hand and encourage him. talk with him, send an email if necessary, but communicate so we know how your doing.

6. Say “Amen.” This means, “I agree.” It is good for others in attendance (especially your own family) to know you agree with the Bible and your pastor even when it is convicting.

7. Give. God loves a cheerful giver and so does the pastor. We must be obedient in our giving and investing in eternity. Our heart follows our treasure. See sermon on giving (

8. Go to the altar. Not much time should stand between trips down an aisle to an old fashioned altar. We can make decisions from anywhere, but I have noticed the ones that really mean it go to the altar.

9. Sit together as a family. Nothing communicates the importance of church to your children than all sitting together as a family. Our children are with their friends a lot at school and other times. In church, they should be with their parents for maximum effectiveness.

10. Go faithfully. Just determine you are not going to miss! Church is so important—too important to miss. Make a goal not to miss one service a week, a month, a year. You will be amazed at how long you can go without missing a service if you work at it and make it a matter of prayer.

4 Responses to “How to go to Church”

  1. I cannot find one scripture within the pages of the NT that support the concept: “Go to church.” Would you agree? Thanks.

  2. Gary, welcome to Defender of the Faith. You know, I’m always so moved when I get this question, because it truly shows the frustration of some and especially many Christians in trying to understand the importance of the church and or getting strict direction to go to church. Does it spell out: Go to a church …Not in the sense you have written it, however… it does tell us to gather with other believers. The reason I encourage Christians to find a good church is because the Bible instructs us to be in relationship with other believers. If we are part of Christ’s body, we will recognize our need to fit into the body of believers. The church is an outstanding place to come together to learn, encourage and support one another as members of the body of Christ. If it be bricks and mortar, revivals or online ministries like Defender, a place where we gather together to fulfill an important purpose here on the Earth and prepare ourselves for that place not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens. Gary, again thank you for asking this question, as I believe it invokes serious thought towards the subject. I will leave you with this know, Jesus went to a place of worship as a regular practice. Luke 4:16 says, “He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom.” (NIV) It was his custom—his regular practice—to go to the place of worship. The Message Bible puts it like this, “As he always did on the Sabbath, he went to the meeting place.

    To make this whole thing simple…” If Jesus made it a priority to meet together with other believers, shouldn’t we, as his followers, do the same?

    You know, so many are disillusioned with church, perhaps the problem is not “church in general,” but rather the type of churches one has experienced thus far. Have you done an exhaustive search to find a good church? Perhaps you have never attended a healthy, balanced Christian church? They really do exist. I would encourage you not to give up! Especially if this is your plight, but continue to search for a Christ-centered, biblically-balanced church. But as you search, remember also, churches are imperfect, and perfection of character is NOT of this world, yet the Church is a great place to surround yourself with those who at least attempt to come to perfection in some way, versus those who without a thought or true care for you in this world, would lead you to damnation effortlessly. Again, Churches, they are full of flawed people. However, we can’t let other people’s mistakes keep us from a genuine relationship with God and all of the blessings he has planned for us as we relate within his body, In Church. God Bless you Sir, as I hope this has helped in some small sense understand our belief here at Defender, where you are always welcome. Rev. Poe

  3. As a person with a disability, I can’t sit for long time..I m a Christian. I believe there is one god….my dad was a preacher till 1975 he passed and from a small child I ?? My faith… Not anymore, u don’t have too dress too impress others , u can give online..u can read and study u r bible at home.. I struggle with being accepted which I am not orthet than the kindom of god… If u understand, I do…why r people pushing must be in church too be a good Christian some preachers go by NIV or KJV which I was raised and thought from.. The NIV is a baby form of what I believe …so answer my question… .. Depends on how u believe on if the preacher is right or wrong…I m a mom 3 adults..that knows the truth… Because it my Job….. Too teach them ..right ..2 in missions and one is a doctor…serving the lord…. I was a single mom… I thought them what I know…

    • Good morning Saint. This sermon was a point of reference. You have done a magnificent Job! Yes to a few of your points. We do believe if you have the means, to dress to impress, not for the church’s sake, we take you as you are, but for yourself. When people dress up, they stand a little taller, feel a little better and are more open to change and new thought. We are not saying if you can’t dress don’t come, just prepare yourself for change. It’s always good when you and if you can to dwell in unity with your brethren. That can be in church or viewing online, you are still among the saints. May God grace continue to strengthen and encourage you in greatness. What a strong Saint in the Lord you are. Choices and excuses are a variable that the Lord makes a way as he has.

      Peace be with you.

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