No more False realities, trust in The Lord


Strength, true fortitude, self love and perseverance!

Being strong in your walk, in who you are and don’t allow the burnt ashes of yesterday to continue to haunt and cloud the awesomeness of your future! God Blesses us everyday! Let’s all act like it, be glad in it and stop looking for sadness and allowing false realities to govern our relationships and happiness! Life is to short for self inflicted sadness and self sabotage. STOP IT, SHOULDERS BACK AND STAND TALL! I assure you, better days are coming if you are down, and if you are standing tall….give HIM all the glory and be happy in it!!! Stand tall, pray up, brush your shoulders off, scream hallelujah and MOVE AHEAD! 😀


Remember….All friends aren’t family..and all family aren’t friends…you’ll know…just look at how they act, call you out your name, disrespectful hang ups….but, you know who is real Family! And always stay close to true, tried and trusted friends! We all fight at times, it’s how we recover that matters…right? But above all… God……our God….is a friend, is kind, is our rock, our shelter, our comforter and redeemer…our father till the end…love Him, lean on Him, respect Him, talk to Him and have faith in Him…AND IF YOU DONT KNOW HIM…JUST INVITE HIM INTO YOUR HEART, He will be there in love!…trust in He who truly truly truly loves you most! My God My God how beautiful life is with Him in it! I say again…how beautiful life is with God in It!!! So Fear not! For He walks with you, fear not for He is around you, through you and in Y O U! Fear no dark thing or place for HIS Presence brings light which controls all shadows, Fear Not what commeth in the morning for He will rise before you, control the waters and rough seas and be with you as you awake!!! ……..If you fall…..He will carry you! 🙂 No Fear…step strong into tomorrow with confidence knowing…He is with you and loves you for you.. 🙂

Powerful you are! Believe it! I do! And more importantly….HE does! 🙂

Press on!

Blessings blessings and continued Blessings….have a restful evening and an even more powerful tomorrow!

Rev. Gerald F. Poe Jr.


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