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Our goal is to Motivate, Protect and ASSIST ALL, Globally, who are in need spiritually, the poorest, weakest and in the most need wheresoever dispersed. As we share with them the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and also demonstrate compassion through motivational scripture, embodying the Armor of God, and in a physical way. Through our missions, we leave it all on the field, with the people, our partners and NOT invisible institutions. We bring assistance and security through the word of God by way of the brotherhood of man.

Our vision is to, “Rescue, Restore and Edify” by offering prayer, humanitarian aid, spreading the message of revival, Motivation and encouraging them to believe for their miracle, “that they will be transformed.”

We appreciate everyone who shows an interest in reaching out to give compassion to all people, especially the people of Haiti and Japan. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and has suffered the worst catastrophe in modern day history. God is restoring the people of Haiti and miracles are happening there, but THE NEED IS GREAT! Japan is one of the most prospered countries in the world and its people are proud caring, support is still needed there as well. The NEED IS GREAT!

We believe that by demonstrating compassion in a physical way through Humanitarian Aid, they come to know God on a personal level.

S.˙.K.˙. †Rev. Gerald F. Poe Jr. 32˚
Defender of the Faith – Online, Motivational and Missions based Ministry reaching GOD’S people where so ever dispersed.
878 branch Ave. Suite 127
Clinton, MD 20735
Email Defender of the Faith

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